Busy busy

I’ve been beavering away playing with my new web hosting account (as has Lisa).

At last I’ve managed to move my poetry site to the new host and made it all pretty – bloggers will be pleased to hear that it’s driven by WordPress, as in the WordPress application rather than the hosted flavour like this one you’re reading right now – so comments and so on work.  Niiiiice.

I think it looks pretty: www.alexsykie.com

If you’ve been there before try hitting F5 in your browser if it still looks like the old site (it should show an autumn leaves theme rather than the old blue city skyline version).

I am *really* impressed with what it’s possible to do with WordPress and I’ve only just scratched the surface so far.

I need to sleep now.  Must remember to do that.  Yes.

9 thoughts on “Busy busy

  1. Yes, sleep is good. Do that often. 🙂 But also yes, WordPress does appear to be a very versatile tool, I’m looking at off-the-shelf redesign templates, of which there are many.

    Love what you’ve done tho.

  2. Looks great. 🙂 Another WordPress. Absolutely everyone seems to use WordPress nowadays (and who can blame ’em).

    If only there was some way to create a WordPress ‘hub’ page, like the old 20six main page – a little bespoked community. That would be fun and nostalgic. (Maybe we could even invite the likes of Poutrelle and Miami Spam Lawyer Bastard back into the fold).

    And thank you for this post – it’s kindled a small but warming fire under myself, to get my webspace tidied up and get my other sites up and running (one of which is my writer’s portfolio).
    But this blogging for money lark has a habit of destroying time beyond the wildest dreams of Davros. However, that’s no excuse. 🙂

  3. Ah yes, I have seen this and a great many similar things. They are about to Open Source their templates which is interesting. They have a link there to a “top content” plug-in which I think I might make use of. Having the poetry site based on WordPress is opening up a whole new avenue for me because I can make it do a lot more things than the old site and plus, since I can actually program in PHP I can write my own plug-ins and mods to do some clever stuff too. Watch this (I mean that) space.

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