New Year

Well OK, I never did get around to writing that password-protected entry did I? I will, promise.

Developments; managed to split up yesterday/this morning with the “sandwich lady” as she was known to my colleagues at work (largely because she used to drive one of those snack wagon things that brought the sandwiches). Long long story that I can’t put in an unprotected post but it includes the fact that we spent enough time together over the Christmas period to realise that it wasn’t going to work for either of us. It was one of those typical “we’ll still be friends and maybe in the future if things change” when, in fact there’s no way on earth that’s going to happen – reality bites. Yes, it is permanent.

Shit happens. I get my life back and I’ll be able to post lots of dodgy blogs about random women of questionable morality…maybe…hopefully… 🙂

I have a stack of New Year resolutions all of which I intend to keep and none of which I have succeeded with in the past. I can’t discuss some of them (I’m such a tease) but printable ones include:

  • Publish my poetry book this year. I’ll make no money off it whatsoever, poets are meant to be penniless and full of angst, but I really feel I want to do it so I’m going to.
  • Lose weight. Properly. I am going to aim for two stones off. I’m not a fat porker, largely due to being six foot two and built like an outhouse door but I am overweight enough to have to make the scales reverse their onward climb. I’m keeping a “chart of shame” in a prominent place with a line graph on it to monitor my progress.
  • Get fit. I used to be, many years ago, horribly fit. No really I mean six pack hard stomach 100 press-ups without being sweaty or out of breath fit. Then I got married and discovered cakes. And cider. And chocolate. My return once again to my newly-found single status should spur me on since I’ll eat what I feel like and what I usually feel like is quite healthy. For evidence of this see previous blogs or my Facebook photos of the contents of my worryingly healthy fridge.
  • Get a car. I sold my car a year ago. I’ve done OK without it but it’s starting to impact on a few things. It looks like I will have a car at the end of January whilst my son-in-law is doing a tour of duty for the army – he says he wants me to use it to avoid it rotting on his driveway for two months which is plausible but I think he’s also being a bit kind to me.
  • Returning as a resolution from last year’s list: Pass my motorbike test and get a bike. Look, it’s NOT a mid-life crisis (if I say it loud enough to myself then it isn’t, so there). If you have watched Long Way Down then you’ll understand the kind of bike I am after. I want to be able to zoom up to Scotland for some camping, climbing and fishing and a decent-sized bike is the best way to do that; especially since the UK’s road system is becoming an increasingly useless parking lot. I started sorting this resolution out towards the end of last year but work, women and the tax man got in the way.

I’m off to do some spring cleaning now whilst listening to happy songs on my iPod. Songs by the following are NOT allowed: Alanis Morrisette, Cold Play, Radiohead, Leonard Cohen, Everything but the Girl, or Enya.
